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One of the most promising polls for this Election Season has been that of the Hillary Clinton polls, so far. All the polls drawn till date are all in her favor and only show signs of remaining so in the future as well. What is the reason to this? Well, Hillary Clinton by far has the strongest campaign and has been winning hearts ever since it stepped foot in the scene. The team working for her is strong and equipped with an efficient strategy that will make sure that she stays at the top of things and also her other opponents. It is her efficiently executed campaigns that are slowly but steadily making her the favorite of the citizens, throughout the nation and that sure is a blow to the confidence of the other parties.

The Aim of Hillary Clinton polls:

The favorite spot is much cherished by all the candidates running for election in the month of July, the coming year. With Hillary Clinton, occupying the spot right now, it is anticipated that she might just stay on it till the end and win it through. The Aim here is to remain the choice for the top candidate for the presidential elections from the Democrats. In the process of retaining the spot of the top candidate and winning the elections, she is not only fighting the Republicans but is also fighting a few candidates on the home ground.

Rival 1: Donald Trump (The Republicans)

Amongst some of the top candidates that she is fighting to remain the favorite to her citizens, the name that constantly rises to the top, is that of Donald Trump. This promising Republican is fighting all odds to regain the popularity and snatch it away from the hands of the sometimes former First Lady of the United States of America, Hillary Clinton.

Rival 2: Jeb Bush

When it comes to Republican rivals, there is another name that cannot be ignored on any grounds and that is of Jeb Bush. He is one of the candidates to have entered the top leagues and is looking forward to succeeding Present President Barrack Obama, after next year elections.

Rival 3: Joe Biden

One of Hillary’s opponents on the Democrats side for the presidential position is Joe Biden.

Hillary Clinton has to also fight Bernie Sanders, her number One opponent from the Democrats to pave her Hillary Clinton electoral map in the most successful way possible.


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