Young, blond haired woman with voluminous hair. Beautiful model with stylish, loose hairstyle with freely lying curls.and vivid make-up. Tender and soft look, beauty of youth and innocence.

With the new year comes new promises, new ventures, new trends, new resolutions, so why not new hair color and highlights? Of course, you should also leave your old self in 2021 and be a new you in 2022, and changing your hair color is the best way to renew and energize yourself.

We know the past two years passed solemnly with many people losing their loved ones, battling with symptoms, depression, finances, and staying at home. Most people choose low-maintenance hair colors so they do not need to visit the salon regularly. But as the world opens up, there is excitement, zeal, determination, raw happiness, and reasons to celebrate. The year 2022 will bring back high-maintenance hair colors with bolder and richer shades and patterns where you could flaunt your tresses and go wild.

Experts have compiled the top hair color trends for 2022 with a unanimous decision for warm, rich, and bright colors.

Rich Blonde And Rich Brunette

This is not your ordinary blonde or brunette but a very heavy blonde and heavy brunette. There are more than 50 types of blonde shades to choose from but this rich blonde excels all as it’s a technique where the hair is bleached blonde to cut the natural color and then dyed blonde to bring out an expensive blonde color.

The rich brunette is not just a single, flat color but a palette of light and dark brunettes. Sit with your hairstylist and decide where you want the dark shade to settle and where to add the light brunette for some dimension in your hair.

Two-Toned Hair

There are times when you have colored your hair a light shade from your real hair color and get conscious when darker roots pop up. Well, now you need not worry as this will be a hot trend in 2022. Celebrities are actually opting for two-toned hair colors with darker roots halfway and then a light color continuing it. You can also get it done the other way with lighter roots and darker ends.

Brown Balayage And Blonde Balayage

Balayage has been a hip trend since covid probably because it gives off a natural feel and is low maintenance. It will continue to be an inspiration in 2022 with brown balayage such as coffee, caramel, and chocolate browns. With blonde color, your hair can be a canvas. You can choose as you please but it should complement your skin tone and facial features.

White And Silver

Silver hair and blonde white will dominate in 2022. This color looks graceful only if you can carry it well.

Auburn Red, Deep Mahogany, Copper, And Burnt Caramel

These all colors are from the family of the color red. Red was in trend two years ago but now it’s time for its offspring. The auburn red is dark and has hints of maroon and brown. Great for hair that is naturally dark and long.

Deep mahogany has this seductive and alluring feel. Add spikes of mahogany with brunette to add depth and an expensive feel to your hair.

Copper color suits almost any skin tone. Add dimension to your hair by mixing copper with gold or going for copper highlight on black hair or balayage it with brown or creating an ombre with pink. Whatever you do, make sure that the color stands out and speaks for itself.

Caramel highlights or babylights are the safest options to go with ash blonde or dark brown hair. They look soft and inviting. Now try burnt caramel which is caramel with hints of red and paint your hair in fine streaks to add an oomph factor.

Color With Curls

This trend is for all those curly-haired girls who want to get highlights and balayage but are scared due to their curls. Get your hair highlighted to accentuate your curls and make them shine. A special technique is used to enhance the curls and make the color stand out.


This year will be all about bold colors, rich palettes, hair painting techniques to add depth and dimension to your hair. So go wild and experiment to create a new hair trend or go to hair salons specializing in color Rockville get a trendy hair color.

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