It is after all not that easy to fathom curly hair and its complexities and that why so many visit permanent hair straightening salons. Therefore, if you are an amateur, do not even try anything with your hair without grasping a good deal of information in order to avoid falling prey to any sort of disaster.

Here’s a list of things you might be doing to your curls and you immediately need to stop!

Do not shampoo your hair every day because your curls need natural oils to let your curls sheen and glow!

Shampooing your hair every single day can have a negative impact on your hair that otherwise tends to look shiny and glamorous. The prototype of curly hair is far more different from that of the fine hair; there’s an array of things you need to take care of in order to stay away from any sort of trouble, and your shampoo routine is on top of the list.

Whenever you shampoo, do not forget to condition your curls on the same day!

This is one of the biggest flaws people with curls need to do away with. For the sake of healthy, shiny and glossy curls, you got to inculcate this habit into your routine if you haven’t done hair straightening. If you’re habitual of shampooing your hair, say, thrice a week, you should get your curls conditioned on the same days too. Make it a priority.

Use a blow-dryer that comes with a diffuser attachment

There’s nothing bad about using a blow dryer but there’s everything bad about using it the wrong way. People with curls should be concerned about the features of the blow-dryer they use every so often. It must come with a diffuser attachment if you’re buying it. Or else, try to avoid treating your hair with a blow dryer at best.

Be careful with the treatments that can refashion your hair’s natural tendency to look curly

There are few hair treatments possessing chemicals with a certain tendency to remodel your hair’s shape so you gotta keep those treatments at an arm’s length.

A terry cloth towel would be the worst alternate for your regular towel

Some people aren’t too careful with what they are using to dry their hair. A terry cloth towel can turn out to be the worst nightmare for those with curls. Do a kind deed and spread the word so that no one makes this mistake from now on!

Steer clear of products containing alcohol, sulfate and silicon because they suck up the moist of your hair

Whenever you purchase a product, be vigilant enough to examine the ingredients of each product to be on the safe side. If any of those hair products include alcohol or sulfate or silicone, dump it outright.

A fine-tooth comb can turn your curly hair into a wreck

Using a fine-tooth comb is not a great idea if you have curly and/or thick hair. There’s a chance of you pulling out an abundance of hair each time you comb it. Always prefer using a wide-tooth comb, it’ll work wonders.

It’s better if you let a headscarf vouch for your curls’ natural oils when you’re asleep

It’s important not to lose the natural oils of your curly hair. As long as those natural oils are there, your curls would be considered healthy and beautiful. It’d be of great help if you tie a scarf around your head when you are about to hit the sack.

Whenever you plan to go to a beach-like place, make the most of a leave-in conditioner

Your curls are at the verge of getting brassy when you’re on a beach. Nothing could work better than a leave-in conditioner in this case. Always remember to apply it on your curls right before you depart for a beach or any other sandy place.

Whenever you use a flat-iron on your curls, set its temperature at its lowest

First of all, using a flat-iron on your curls isn’t a good idea but in case you like your hair to be straight for a while, make sure the flat-iron is set at its lowest temperature. Your curls are unlikely to bear a high temperature, so don’t force it into anything unbearable. Alternatively, you should go to a keratin treatment salon for hair straightening.

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