The Dental technology has advanced so much these days that almost everything of the mouth can be altered and improved and so your smile and consequently your features too! Dental veneers are one way to a great smile. This is a boon for people with discolored, crooked, chipped teeth. Veneers are stain resistant porcelain cover that is stuck in front of the teeth. There is teeth whitening done but if you have fillings or other treatment done in your teeth, whitening cannot be done properly. We see a lot of celebrities and even common people opting for veneers these days. Of course, there are its pros and cons which are listed below:


Beautifying the smile

Veneers keep your smile enhanced for a long period of about 10 to 15years. As the veneers have optic property, they give very natural teeth look through the porcelain covering the enamel. It repairs the crooked or discolored teeth and also fills gaps between them. This thereby, boosts the self confidence of a person.

Tarnish Free

Porcelain is a type of ceramic and very smooth. It is resistant to any blemishes caused due to eating, drinking or smoking.

Choice of Color

The color of veneer can be chosen in accordance to make the darken teeth appear whiter.


Porcelain veneers are not required to be shaped too much before the procedure. They are very thin and therefore easily adjustable.



It takes time to adjust with the new shape, size, and color of the teeth, about a week or two.

Risk Factor

The treatment is safe but there are chances and situations where more tooth is removed. This can cause adverse effect to the tooth. At times, some people can get a defect in pronunciation of particular sounds or alphabets. Also, the teeth can become sensitive to some eatables and drinks.


Porcelain Veneers are very expensive. Each veneer costs from $500 to $1000 and this is something that not everybody can afford. The veneers and its cost increase with the number of teeth to which they are applied.


Getting the veneers fixed is a permanent choice as there is no escape from it once they are fixed and so the decision is risky and is to be taken after a lot of deliberation and firmness.


Though the porcelain veneers are comparatively tough, they are at times prone to breaking due to force or stress on the teeth through food items. Replacement is more expensive.


There are situations where one cannot get the veneers in spite of wishing it. It is when the person has decayed teeth, some periodontal disease, dental fillings, fracture, inadequate enamel etc. In such situations, getting veneers is not possible.

Thus looking at the analysis of pros and the cons, we can conclude that it is not a total black and white situation. The pros and the cons almost weigh equally. One has to decide for oneself and it is more important to consult a dentist before taking the final call.

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