Are you thinking about kitchen countertop installation? Are you looking for apt countertop material for your dream kitchen renovation project? Or do you want maintenance free, beautiful and long lasting kitchen island? Well, if so, then there are so many countertop materials available in the market which can full fill all your needs and requirements.

Granite and other countertop material

When considering kitchen remodel, one of the crowning changes is kitchen countertop replacement. As countertops are a key element of kitchen decor and it provide usable surface for food preparation, it is a mandatory investment which should not be taken lightly. There are so many things that you need to consider while choosing the kitchen countertop material. Granite used to be the first choice of homeowners and kitchen contractors for countertop material, but now availability of manmade countertops (like quartz) have broadened the choice.

Let’s compare granite with manmade countertop material available in the market.

Cost of Granite vs. Man-Made Countertops

When money is not an issue, then you should totally opt for granite countertop. Since granite countertops are made from natural stone, they are a little bit expensive as compared to man-made countertop materials. The engineered countertop materials like- quartz, Silestone, Zodiac etc. are quite cheaper than granite. The transportation, fabrication and labor cost make them almost equivalent to granite in terms of the cost.

Maintenance of Granite vs. Man-Made Countertops

Unlike, granite countertops, manmade countertops do not require sealing. Manmade countertops also come with the low maintenance feature and are very much stain resistant. Some granite stones are stain resistant as well. General maintenance requirements of both the countertops are generally same, but manmade countertops win over granite when it comes to maintenance.

Style of Man-Made Stone vs. Granite

Well, manmade countertops can never compete with the depth, colors, texture and uniqueness of the granite countertops. Actually, no other countertop material can beat granite countertops in style.

Bottom Line… Which is countertop material is the Best?

Every kitchen island material has its pros and cons. However, granite is the top-rated countertop material. Manmade countertops are slightly less durable (yet repairable) than granite. So, if you want to provide traditional royal look to your kitchen then go with granite. And if you are willing to try something new, consider manmade kitchen island installation.


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