Immediately after the fading of summer blooms, fall allergy becomes prominent. This kind of allergy mainly occurs due to released pollens in the air. In some rarest cases, this health issue can occur even during summers and spring times. Kids can have great sufferings as a result of this unwanted allergy.

What are the leading causes for this allergy?

  • Ragweed seems to be one of the most prominent factors for which fall allergies occur in both adults and kids. Pollens are being released by the same especially during warm days and cool nights of August. This allergy mainly lasts almost till September. There are many spring plants that often react badly with these weeds as a result of which allergic pollens are being released.
  • Some people are very much allergic towards specific fruits or vegetables. Some of the foods that can create pollen allergies are zucchini, melon, bananas and others.
  • Mold has been recognized as one of the most powerful fall triggers and this is very infectious as well. It is usually found in damp places especially bathroom or basement. On any wet spots, molds can get developed at any point of time. Ground leaves piles also invite the growth of molds.
  • Humid summers often invite dust mites and these mites are highly responsible for the occurrence of fall allergies. These mites are very much dangerous for kids and might cause unwanted symptoms like sneezing, breathing trouble, running nose, wheezing and other related ones.

How these allergies are diagnosed?

If fall allergies are not treated immediately, then you might face chronic health issues at later stage. Thorough or detailed medical diagnosis is needed so that the doctors can refer the best treatments for these kinds of irritating allergies. Running nose along with itchy and watery eyes are the two commonest symptoms of this allergy and if you are facing the same then you should immediately go to the allergy doctor.

Not only the symptoms will be considered in this case but medical history also needs to be analyzed properly. In most of the cases, a skin examination is being recommended by any medical practitioner. Tiny allergen amount is usually place over the skin especially at the backside and after that skin is being pricked or scratched. If raised bumps are found, then it can be easily considered that you have got the allergy of fall pollen. Sometimes, blood-test is also referred by the doctor for getting accurate reports.

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