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When it comes to felling a tree with wedges, you will need to keep several things in mind. First, you will need to grab the right tools and wear protective equipment. Next, you will need to plan the direction of the tree’s fall. Although, it all might look easy but you need to be careful each step of the way and it’s best if you get tree removal companies to handle this task.

Let’s discuss the process in detail so that you can get through the process safely and easily.

Wear Protective Gear & Gather The Right Tools

As mentioned earlier, the first step of felling a tree with wedges is wearing protective gear and gathering the right tools. Make sure you are securing the vital parts of your body. You can wear heavy gloves, a long-sleeved t-shirt, and pants along with boots, a hat, earplugs, etc.

Plus, make sure you have the right tools in hand as well. Ask a friend or a relative to give you an extra hand and grab a sledgehammer, chainsaw, ax and bar and chain oil, etc. Before you can use the chainsaw, ensure that it is in perfect working condition. Check its sharpness and ensure the chain is tightened and the bar and chain oil reservoir are filled.

Decide Where You Want The Tree To Fall

The next thing you need to decide or plan is where the tree is going to fall. Find an area that is free of buildings, homes, vehicles or equipment, etc. If you are not able to find such an area, you will first need to trim down the tree in sections to ensure that it does not fall on any valuable or threatens the lives in the surroundings. You will need to hire an arborist so that the trees can be removed safely.

Plus, to be on the safe side, inform your neighbors about the tree-felling process. This will give them ample time to secure personal belongings and move things away from the danger zone.

Establish Multiple Escape Routes

This is going to be the most important part of the tree removal process. Escape routes are going to be the only thing guaranteeing your safety when the tree is about to fall. Make sure that you come up with at least 2 escape routes so that you are able to clear the area safely if something goes wrong unexpectedly.

Making A Notch & Start Your Felling Cut

Now, it is time to make a notch in the tree. While making the perfect match, keep the following tips in mind.

  • First, always make a notch on the side of the tree.
  • Secondly, make a notch between the ankle and waist height. Then, make a flat cut 1/4 of the way through the tree.
  • Make a second cut higher than the trunk.
  • Next, make a cut at an angle of 45 degrees. Make sure that the two cuts meet.
  • Then, remove the triangular section. You might be needing an ax during the process to deepen the cuts so that they meet precisely.
  • Once you are done with making a notch, it is time to begin the felling cut. This cut is going to be on the opposite side of the notch. In other words, you will be making a cut behind the tree. Position your chainsaw 2-3 inches higher than the bottom notch and cut straight toward the notch.
  • Do not cut all the way through but deep enough that you can insert a wedge behind it without hitting the chainsaw. Leave the chainsaw running and use the chain brake to lock and prevent any injuries.
Using Wedges For Tree Falls

If you intend to use wedges for felling a tree during cutting, make sure you follow the basic protocols including wearing safety equipment, planning a safe escape, and clearing any vehicles or valuable items in the surrounding area.

Then, make a notch on the side of the tree you wish to fall on the ground. Then, begin the felling cut on the opposite side of the tree, towards the notch. Drive your wedge into the felling cut behind the chainsaw. Continue with the felling cut, adding wedges while pausing in between.

Stop with the cutting when there is a thin layer of wood left between the notch and the felling cut. Use additional wedges until the tree falls.

Final Word

In the end, felling a tree using wedges follows the same principles and safety protocols. Make sure you follow the steps mentioned above and use the right technique. If anything goes wrong, contact emergency tree services Potomac.

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